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RE: A Chill Weekend in Brazil...[WE:117]

Ha, ha, ha, ha. And here I thought only venezuelans had slow connections.

A cable car is interesting. It isn't fun when there's a lot of wind. You feel like it is going to fall off the line and you'll plummet to your demise.

It's a cool thing to do. I mean it isn't like I'm always traveling abroad. 😅


naaaa! Philippines had crawling internet too sometimes,haha

I don't think so we have cable car here, so mine experiences are limited in ziplines and ferris wheels, lol.

Would be glad to experience that to!

Haha, I haven't been any trip abroad, maybe this year if taiwan will open boarders for tourist

Ah, snail-like internet is the bane of bloggers.

I see. I don't now which countries have that around Asia. I guess China has some. But I can't tell.

Oh, Taiwan. Southeast Asia has some great places to visit. I remember preparing a class about it some years ago and I was baffled with all the great sights and beaches and food. I wanna go and make tour of all the places and eat all the pho I can. 😂😂😂

Ah, snail-like internet is the bane of bloggers.


Taiwan, Singapore and Hongkong have but never visited this countries, lol.

Yeah I am excited to try the shabu-shabu there, hahaha.
So when you will be visiting Taiwan then?

I see. Well, those are som great places to visit.

So when you will be visiting Taiwan then

When I brake free of poverty. So, I don't truly know. 😂

When I brake free of poverty. So, I don't truly know. 😂

haha seems everyone's issue but who knows market might not bleed next year so there will be funds. I am still rooting on it.

You and me both. But what I truly need is to sell some instruments and then I could afford to travel. Let's see what happens.