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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 38: Inventions

This is not my entry so don't count it against my 200 word limit.

Just a couple of days ago I was thinking about my friend Spencer. It's been over 30 years since I've seen him, and miss him. A genuine crazy bastard, he was my first college roommate. A 6'8" basketball player. One of the most brilliant people I've ever had the privilege to meet.

We only had two classes together in college. One was an anthropology 100 level class (that athletes took when they desperately needed grade help) and the topic of the day was nurture v nature. The subject was mother's milk and it's importance in child development (yes, we were that arrogant to believe that our untested opinions mattered). Spencer raised his hand and actually stood to rise to the defense of mother's milk. "I believe very seriously in the sanctity of mother's milk. Principally because I very much like the container it is shipped in."

He also liked push up bras and mini skirts. The good news was that in 1970 we saw way more mini skirts than push up bras. Just sayin'


Haha...I wondered where that was going and then...Yep, exactly where it should...Lol. Great story. And clearly your mate Spencer is a genius!

your friend seems to be a very honest, straightforward and cool person.

Look him up Tom! You never know, right?

The man clearly knows a great receptacle for beverage storage and dispensing. 😁👍


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