
Choosing to live forever would be amazing but in the other hand it could be traumatizing as well.

Living forever would have its advantages, like being able to learn, grow, and make a difference in the world without worrying about running out of time. I could see history unfold, witness new discoveries, and experience things that most people can only dream of because I have lived longer than them.


However, there are some significant downsides to consider in being an immortal.

Watching my loved ones grow old and die while I stayed young and healthy would be incredibly difficult for me as a person. I would have to say goodbye to those I care about, over and over again, and that would be very painful for me. Forming close relationships would be challenging, knowing that I would outlive and eventually say goodbye to everyone I so much care for.


Living forever would also raise questions about my identity to people around about my purpose, and meaning.

If I lived forever, would I get bored or find new things to do? How would I stay connected to the world around me and keep a sense of purpose? I might become disconnected from the world and lose my sense of belonging.

Living forever would be too great. But the cost of my emotional well being and relationships would be too great. I would choose to live a normal life, cherishing the time I have with my loved ones and finding meaning and purpose in the time I have. While my life may be short, it is precious, and I would rather live a full and happy life with those I love than live forever alone. I believe that our limited time on earth is what makes life valuable and worth living.

Thanks for reading

NB.All photos use are mine


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