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RE: Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 178

in Weekend Experiences6 months ago

How does Friday come around so fast each week?

Isn't that the truth! I can't believe it is also November already. Time is just flying like crazy! I think beyond some heavy yard work and making a batch of chili for the Winter, my wife and I don't have too much planned this weekend. We are still settling back into being home.


It's mental...shops full of Christmas stuff and the festive season just around the corner and then bloody 2024. I wish it'd slow down a little.

It sounds like you've got an easy weekend planned, me too really. Not much happening at all. I'm ok with it.

I love weekends like that honestly. Especially this time of year when the weather starts turning a bit colder. The only good thing about 2024 being here is the boost it is supposed to bring to the markets with the halving and everything, but wishing away days is something I'm trying to do less of as I get older.

Yeah, the wishing away reaches a point where there's less to wish away and more already wished away.

So true!