My Experience with the departure of my Pet Negrito

Greetings friends of Hive and @weekendexperiences, today I am going to participate in the initiative proposed by @galenkp, in which he proposes several themes to express our experience and know the experience of other users within the platform.


It should be noted that the topic that motivated me to write this writing is related to a recent experience I had with the death of a pet, this was a little dog called Negrito, owned by some neighbors who took him out into the street because they had no way to feed him. At my house we started giving him food, and he became a friend of the family. After a while the owners of this pet left the country, leaving their dog alone on the abandoned street.


After that situation, Negrito gained the affection of all the neighbors, in my house every afternoon we had some food for him, and in three each he also received a meal, he even gained a little weight, and he slept next to my house. On one occasion I went for a walk in the mountains and I took Negrito with me. From that moment on, a bond of great friendship developed with this little dog, who always accompanied me on my hiking adventures.


Likewise, my son became very attached to Negrito, because apart from climbing the mountain, he played soccer, and I accompanied him many times to school, where he also played with the other children at school. This friendship with this pet was my great friend and faithful companion Negrito, who I always remember with great affection and love. Last year in October, Negrito got sick with ulcers on his paws. Due to this situation, I looked for a veterinary friend to treat him and I bought him some medicine and a cone so he could recover.

On the other hand, when he was better, he began to go outside and the wound on his legs became infected again, and in February of this year he died. I felt great pain for this loss as if he were a family member, after his death I felt howls similar to Negrito, he was a great friend who I will always remember the times he shared that great unconditional friendship with me, because the dog is the dog's best friend. man.


Finally, I tell you that Negrito had several children and currently a friend of my son has a dog that looks just like Negrito, plays soccer, enters the house through an opening in the neighbor's wall and comes almost every day. to visit me, her name is Sol, but I call her Daughter of Negrito, it seems that she had reincarnated into this dog in an incredible way. After this experience I do not want to have another pet to go through the pain of its death again, although it is something natural but I do not want to go through that sadness, I will always remember it in my heart.

I hope you liked my experience with my pet, see you in a future post.

Photos: Redmi Note 10 Phone
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I will not understand how someone can abandon such faithful and noble animals, but if they can not raise them the best thing is to give them up for adoption is very sad to lose a pet I understand you friend many times pets become more than friends they become part of us no matter how much time passes they will always remain part of our family.

Yes, it's a shame what people do with their pets, thanks for commenting, greetings.

I understand your pain, mi más sentido pésame para ti, he seemed to be very happy by your side, death is part of life and as I've always thought, there's no meaning in life without an end. Keep up the good memory of Negrito, after all, memories and photos are all that it lasts

Thank you my friend, I always remember it fondly