Week 193 engagement challenge. I saved a life 4 year's ago.

in Weekend Experiences8 months ago (edited)

Have you saved a life? (Animal or human.) Tell us. the story. This must be a true story, not fictional. Remember to use your own photos.

I have been involved in saving lives many times. Am going to share one of the experiences with you. It was an incident that happened on the month of October 2019. Sorry i couldn't remember the date. A friend of mine and my next door neighbor give birth, and within 30 minutes of her safe delivery, she gave up to the ghost. Before her delivery date, she had a serious misunderstanding with her husband. We the neighbors tried to separate the fight due to the women's condition because, her husband was determined to kill her.

Out of anger, the woman left to her father's house with her 2 son's including the pregnancy. Mind you, she was looking for a girl child. Two weeks later, the husband went with his friends including my man then to bring the woman and her kids back. After so much pleadings, the family of the woman released her to her husband. Within two weeks time that she came back, she started having signs of labour. Though she didn't tell me when she left to the hospital. When i checked on her towards evening that same day, her husband told me that she went to her mom. That she was not feeling too strong. Inside my heart, i started praying for her safe delivery because i have had some terrible dreams about her.

Around 1:am midnight, her husband's phone rang and, he was told about his wife's successful delivery. Out of joy, he called us out to celebrate with him because it was a girl child that him and his wife has been looking for. Later, we retired to our various rooms. I was still awake when the man's phone rang a second time. This time, it was a sad news. Oh!! While she was discussing with other patients, she stiffed and that's final. The hospital tried all the know, but couldn't help it. She is gone.

The family of the woman became embittered. The refused to carry the new born baby after taking the disease to the motuary. They concluded that it was the husband that killed her. Because of that, they refused to touch the child even the mother of the diseased. Late in the evening, the hospital started calling the Man to come and pick his child. He was totally confused on what to do. While the husband of the diseased was crying, i told him don't worry, i will go to the hospital with you to pick your child. So, we went and brought the child home. She was under my care for one good month before she was taking another family who volunteered to care for her since the father doesn't want to take her to the motherless home.

Am happy to save the life of the innocent girl when she was rejected by those who was supposed to care for her and today, she is a big girl. The family can't forget my kindness in a hurry. That's my story.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Well done. It takes courage to do what you did.

Big courage bro. Thanks for your comments

Hehe, I identify as a female 😅. You're welcome though.