Saturday Night, Pepperoni Pizza and Witnessing My Daughter's Happiness; Simply Perfection

I had nothing on my agenda that could offer me what I experienced with my daughter last Saturday. That day was as wonderful as it was unexpected. And to be perfectly honest with you, I am an irreparable fan of surprises. In fact, it all started with absolute normality. We were my little leaf, my boyfriend and I lying in bed, watching the Barbie animated series on Netflix, and suddenly both he and I came up with the same idea, "What if we don't cook dinner today, how about we go out for dinner instead?"

Like many of the good things that happen to you in life, spontaneity did its thing. We got dressed up, grabbed what we needed and instead of driving, we decided to walk. The three of us were walking, chatting, and constantly looking up at the cloudy, hot Saturday sky. It had been threatening to rain all that day but although the clouds looked threatening, the weather was kind to us and allowed us to enjoy this day as it should; no annoying interruptions.

I had seen for some time, a small family restaurant that mostly offers hot dogs and hamburgers with fries. Although, on other occasions we had eaten there, just that part of the menu, at that moment we decided to go for a new suggestion they had available: a couple of pepperoni and mozzarella pizzas. Say no more. We all looked at each other and nodded in delight at the idea. They were wood-fired, in a small but beautiful clay oven. Yes, the way pizzas were made over 100 years ago! With a sourdough neither too thin nor too wide; pure perfection.

While our order was being brought to us, I was talking to my daughter who was telling me about the hustle and bustle of an 8 year old girl who regularly attends dance classes. She told us how demanding the classes were and that every day they had to make a great effort to comply with what the instructor asked of them. She was excited. In a week they will have a competition with other dance academies, and they train almost every day hard to excel in that competition.

Although pizza or junk food as such is not recommended for girls who are in dance, it is no less true that we wanted to break the mold. Besides, my daughter is a girl who deserves to be spoiled and pampered. She is excellent at what she does, besides being brilliant and retains an aura of sweetness and charisma that touches. In the restaurant, the smell of pizzas invaded the room and anxiety invaded our senses. The desire we had to eat those pizzas simply overcame us.

My boyfriend and I decided to take advantage of the spaces of the place to be able to take the pictures you are seeing in the post. The atmospheric decor of the place was covered in a golden-yellow that far from bringing too much warmth, made the surroundings look like a little jewel. Warmly lit pendant lights, pristine and tidy tables, and a personalized attention that provided a halo of trust between the customers and those who so kindly took our order and served us so graciously.

I haven't told you about iced tea yet, have I? I'm careless... I'm picky about this kind of drink. In many places they have the nasty habit of making one of two mistakes. The first is to overload it with ice. So that the flavor of the tea is lost almost instantly, or on the other hand, it is also common to see that the drink that is supposed to have a strong citrus flavor (usually lemon, passion fruit or peach flavor) ends up far from that goal. Being a mixture of sugar, water and ice. This was not the case, and the lemon was present along with the unmistakable sweetness of this refreshing typical drink.

The food arrives and with it the photo session that everyone can appreciate. The delicate smoke coming from the heat emanating from the pizzas was a problem for the camera lens. And we had to take several pictures to achieve the goal: preserve the moment, capture it. This is how, after tasting this delicious dinner, both my little girl and my boy had a night full of masterful flavors, a spectacular company and an evening that made a day, apparently not very special, end up inspiring a post, being a beautiful memory; and being the reason for my daughter's happiness. That to me is perfection, folks!

People, so many positive and rewarding things can happen from spontaneity. Thanks for reading my post, and never forget to have a great weekend!

All photos on this post are from my authorship


Ohooi, this kind of unplanned night out is always the best, especislly if it involves foods too, and with family . Food looks really awesome, I suddenly crave for pizza.

Yes! @ruffatotmeee That's precisely the whole point! For me, to be alive si iqual to be grateful and creative. One moment you're watching tv and the other, you're just enjoying a nice and delicious pizzas with the people you love the most. Thank you for your appreciation and reply, dear amiga. 🤗🤗😘

And for sure even the daughter is the happiest that time as she get to spend quality time with you two ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ. Time, some people has having a hard time making a time for their love one's, it's glad to know that you have this kindof bonding from time to time ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

My daughter was beyond joy, haha. You're right @ruffatotmeee it was a lovely night and of course, the food was delicious. Thank you for you comment, darling.

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