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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 38: Inventions

The internet is definitely a good invention and has many benefits for humanity as well as many perils. It will be interesting to see how things shake out when the internet turns 50, 100, 200 years old. Will it age as well as the printing press has? One can only hope it doesn't get controlled as badly as the powers that shouldn't be want it to be!


Absolutely! The human mind can scarcely conceive of how things evolve in such a short space of time in this exponential age in which we live, it feels like quantum leaps are taking place daily. What will the future hold that seems utterly mind-blowing, right now?

The powers that 'definitely shouldn't be' do have a way of placing themselves squarely in the middle of anything that will further their oft' nefarious agenda of control, don't they? I hope that those of us who choose decentralised in as many ways as we can will lead the way in prohibiting this as 'our' technology evolves.


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