The empowered and bulky Cancun Mexico!📸

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Blue Flag, playa las Perlas

A lived and unforgettable experience that will never be erased, Cancun one of the most beautiful cities in Mexico and with incredible tourist places, when I arrived in Cancun I remember staying at the Hotel Krystal Cancun, a fabulous Hotel that includes a pool, swimming pool, free wifi, Spa, among others. Between that I stayed in a room that overlooked the sea, truly amazing !! # That same day I went to the Blue blag, which are the beaches in Cancun exactly for Las Perlas beach, which is the image I have above, a beach with crystal clear water and white sand, it has bathrooms and restaurants that are nearby, a very delicious to enjoy with the family !! Really guys a very quiet beach and its water is literally beautiful.

Tomada por @danavm

Photographs of my trip #

Tomada por @danavm

Tomada por @danavm

Tomada por @danavm

Tomada por @danavm

Cancun is a spectacular city, full of unforgettable and inexplicable moments, with wonderful people and a very curious culture, and most of all, amazing beaches !!, Also, full of many interesting and wonderful tourist places, I recommend you visit 100% Cancun Mexico! #



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