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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 37: Your job passion

Bout time someone points out your consistency with topics. I woulda ran out of ideas around week 3. You've not only maintained quality topics but also managed to smash the gas pedal. Very nice, sir.

With all due respect, I'll have to return another time and divulge a dream occupation cuz I can't seem to get these R-rated careers outta my head.


Let's see what you come up with if you drop back. I'm sure something interesting no matter what it is.

Well at least they're not X rated.

100 words or less, I've been thinking about this one. I don't wanna sound like that guy but being paid to travel is what we were doing and awaiting take off time to get back at it. I'm The Luckiest Guy I Know.

Really, I just want to find that place Galen, that place. The sea isn't far, a few peddles away at most. It's not too hot, not too cold, they're culturally accepting to foreigners, the seafood is to die for, medicine is free, and it doesn't cost 1/2 your wages to survive.

This <-- that's the 103rd word so I'm over the limit. But that place. Should we find it..

I wanna send my dogs off to be in movies and home protection and stuff like that but more importantly, I just wanna be a good husband man.

I knew you were travelling a lot but I didn't know it was paid work. That's pretty awesome dude! We love travelling so much, and am really good at it, and to have the chance to be paid for it at the same time? Yeah, I could do that!

You know, someone who I interact with a lot on hive just told me their plan, a plan that has already deployed, and it is of a similar thing as above. I don't want to say of course as I was told in confidence, but my words were pretty much, fuck off I hate you, when I was told...

Of course, what that translates to is, nice work I applaud your hard work and effort in making this dream a reality and I'm supportive and excited for you. I'm really keen to see that thing actually kick off, which should be happening in a matter of weeks, and how it unfolds. It' going to be a great adventure. I'm a little jealous, but Faith and I are working on our own gap year scenario in which we'll travel around Australia and blog so...We're on it.

I like your that place comment. It's highly likely we'll be in that situation, you know, find somewhere we just have to stay and do so. When we take off there'll be no reason for us to come back here, no family ties. My dad is gone, may he RIP, and we'd not go until Faith's mum's scenario had played out...So, we'd be pretty free, just Faith and I and the world around us.

103 words huh? That's ok, I said around 100 so you're all good.


I'm sure you have hit the good husband goal already dude, and if not then you're actively working on it so do more of the same.

Thanks for this response.

Be careful what your wish for on that we don't have a reason to come back stuff, trust me! We didn't have one either and then, well, 2020 happened and here we are.

Soon as we got here I was, 'property, home, dogs...' but it didn't take long for that to change. We got a good view on the way the rest of the world lives. The US has some perks, I love this place. But if we're going down the checklist of wants, unwants, necessities, and can live without's, US doesn't even make the list if Pura's family wasn't here.

Interestingly enough, it's my friends who have never left the country or, more specific, to this day don't possess a passport because "this is the best country, I have no reason to go anywhere."

Do you guys have a direction? NW, SE? Anywhere you won't go? Anywhere you're leaning toward staying?

I have that specific climate in mind so we're thinking Europe. I don't know for sure dude but I'm willing to give a shot. Drop me off in Portugal, we'll either stay there or continue east until something grabs us and we can't leave. And if it's not in Europe, we'll just keep going. I've heard Africa wouldn't be a top choice but I've also heard Morocco is gorgeous so I really need to investigate it further. That's the dream anyway.

Be careful what your wish for on that we don't have a reason to come back stuff, trust me! We didn't have one either and then, well, 2020 happened and here we are.

I guess I just meant that once Faith's mum is gone we will have zero family here in South Australia to hold us here. We could settle anywhere and travelling around the country will give us a good concept of where we my like to go.

We've been all over the eastern seaboard from South Australia around and up to Cairns in the very north, done some central regions, Alice Springs to Darwin, but never to the west so we'll head that way first. We have an off-road camper trailer so will tow that behind the big-dog and go wherever we want. We are not planning to settle elsewhere, but who knows if it happens or not? We'd not think of settling in another country I think, although I won't rule it out.

Sounds like you guys are about as up in the air as we are.

Travel trailer. Pura and I did that man, we traveled the west coast of US with a 28ft 5th wheel back in 2016. That was a good year.

I like your style.

I'm just trailer-trash at heart. 😂

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

Not too hot not too cold and seafood to die for..well, Da Nang welcome you :) Just Medicine is not free, the rest I think is just right for that place :))

Thank you!! We would love to, especially now. What's the price of medicine there? I guess I could've been more specific and said "reasonable" rather than free unlike here where it's a minimum $1,800/month and you haven't even seen a doctor yet.

Oh that’s too much. It depends. There are a few international hospitals here. The local doctor or private clinics here are cheap and 😊 No fee for appointment. I don’t complaint :)

And one thing is we do accepting and love having foreigners here.

Promise? Are you sure it's your whole community and not just you?

I don’t promise to someone anything but I’m pretty sure. Very reasonable price for medicine, the sun, fresh seafoods each day and lots of vegetables 🤪, friendly people..Just the traffic not good ..well you maybe complaining it at first time visiting here :) after years living here some of my friends become very professional on the bike and they love it haha :)

yeah, I had to roll with the Male Prostitute/Escort cuz I can not dance...

I considered that but came up a little short and decided to go with R rated instead.

Hollywood B actresses maybe with some nudity and adult language but my high paying job is Lead Thermostat Operator.

Room temperature specialist