The green weekend

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago


Every week I always work in the garden, tending to the many plants that are currently in the nursery stage. It rained a lot in the past week and it was an opportunity to ease my work in the garden and not have to water the nursery during this week. I have a lot of work that is always busy with it sometimes I also don't have time to work in the garden.

The many piles of wood I collect for firewood there is so much moss growing after the rain all week, there I have two jobs while in the garden, preparing the nursery for planting in late September and preparing the firewood stock for cooking. The self-growing moss is spreading on some of the wood piles and also on the tree roots so I will have to dry this firewood for the next few days.


During the dry season I am very busy in the garden sometimes all day and sometimes half a day, preparing water reservoirs to water the plants, weeds are difficult to grow at that time, moss is rarely found in the dry season and moss too and cannot survive much longer, in this week often it rained so much light green like moss spread everywhere.

Very wild moss blanketed the garden yard, I thought I would let it grow for a while, the weather forecast in the next few days rain is rare so all these mosses will disappear by themselves.

In the past few days my family has also helped me in the garden, they want to prepare 2000 seeds for sowing into plastic polybets, that's very helpful too, besides that they also plan to eat together in the garden and prepare lunch, I think it's very nice to be able to gathering with family in the garden.



Wow, from a close-up view, the photo looks like a top view of a mountain surrounded by green vegetation... Mosses can be quite beautiful though.

During the rainy season, they'd blanket almost the entire wall of my backyard and when the dry season comes, they'd just disappear on their own.

I think it's very nice to be able to gathering with family in the garden.

Very nice indeed. I wish to experience that too but unfortunately we don't have a garden. Perhaps in the future I will 😊.

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It is so amazing to think how nature produces green marvels such as those that you shared, so beautiful.

Usually depends on the season :)

I see, let me guess, every wet season?

After the rain in a matter of days there will be many changes that occur in the environment and whatever it is, especially in increasing greenery!

I see, thank you for the response, and have a nice day ahead.

That's a lot of green.

Almost the entire yard was flooded with green from moss 🤞

Hey there!
You make moss look beautiful 👍
I know it's hard work, and the weather sometimes probably makes the tasks seem daunting, but I'm sure that working outdoor in nature has many benefits for your well-being:)))

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Incredible green color of that moss @danlop. Impressive as it covers all the firewood. It's true now you'll have more work to get it out, but I liked the photos. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Have a great family meal. Greetings and happy weekend.🤗👍

You can find every tone of the green in the photo :)

Excelentes fotografías. Crear las condiciones en el jardín es importante para las plantas y semillas que deseamos sembrar, y por supuesto las estaciones nos van guiando. Eres tan afortunado de tener un espacio para el cultivo que te provee de la leña para la cocina y a su vez te permite aprovechar de los cultivos, y ni hablar de compartir en familia en este lugar, es lo mejor que hay. Saludos @danlop. Exitos en tu compromiso de fin de semana.

Photography is an art and this moss stands out with your shot. Great job indeed.

This green stands out to the naked eye. Thank you for sharing these amazing photographs. Blessings and much success in your garden, an ideal space for the family.🤗

I love moss, it reminds me of my homeland. It is too dry where I am living now, to find any. But the feel of it and the smell of it, transports me to the woods of Ireland. Thanks for the beautiful photos xxx