Walking the walk

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Growing up, several things set me apart from my peers and earned me the childhood nick-name deirdyweirdy, not the least of which was my clothes, custom-made pieces, run up on her sewing machine by my oft-inebriated mother, who worked briefly as a machinist making ladies overalls and thereafter fancied herself a dressmaker.


Regrettably, there are no photographs of these exquisite designer creations, it being the late 60s/70s when cameras were uncommon among us lower classes. But if I tell you that they were hot pants with a little top, made from nylon overall material 'acquired' from her place of work, with poppers as buttons, you'll get the picture, poppers prone to pop should I breathe too deeply.


As a teenager having shaken off the curse of my mother's homemade motley, but not the deirdyweirdy moniker, I began to embrace my ‘weirdness’. I found I'd gotten accustomed to standing out from the crowd and decided I quite liked it. If you can’t live down your reputation, why not live up to it?
While my friends competed to see who could look best in the latest chain store tat, I sported the height of vintage chic.

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As well as a few of my own creations:)

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But shoes were always a problem until I found these in a little shop called Ad Hoc and thought them so pretty and elegant that I bought 15 pairs, figuring I’d never have to shop for shoes again. An inspired idea, eh?

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And it was a jolly good idea since I still have one pair remaining which will surely last me until I die, especially now I’ve moved to the rugged terrain of the countryside and wear mostly the assortment of Crocs left behind by the previous owner of the house.

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I have loved these shoes almost my entire life and what's not to love? Besides being ultra-comfy, they are a fine accessory to any outfit and appropriate for every occasion be it a wedding, funeral, or bar mitzvah.

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Posted in response to @galenkp's weekend experience challenge to describe your favourite piece of clothing or shoes
The photos are my own


I forgot to comment on your post - been so busy. It is lovely to see you and to learn more about you. What a lot of croc(s)!! I love that you lived up to your reputation - why not - as long as you are being you. One has to have a sense of humour especially when things can go awry. Having 15 of the same shoes - is handy - it becomes a part of your signature look and you have your favorite comfy shoes for a long time.

When we bought the house 3 years ago the owner was moving to the UK and left everything behind including a pile of crocs and warm outdoor clothing, Just as well as we were living in rented accommodation and had nothing and, it was the day before lockdown. We moved in with a couple of suitcases and a jukebox.
As to the shoes, I've never liked shopping or fitting things on, so they were a master stroke of genius.

Thanks a lot for the comment:)

OMG you were a knock out! And those shoes! you really had 15 pair? Quite a change from crocs! How fun that you still wear a pair. Loved reading this post! I am surprised you were/are a blonde, I don't know why. Cool nickname. My childhood nickname was "Creepy Toes" lol

Creepy toes, crikey, what did you do to deserve that?
Yes, I bought 15 pairs and still had 2 up to last year when I left one pair with a shoemaker and he lost them.

It's a play on my last name.

He lost them?! oy. I will buy two pairs of shoes I like, but fifteen?! It paid off though, if you wore, and loved, them for so long.

If you can’t live down your reputation, why not live up to it?


More to know about you, more to like☘️

Hahaha, to know me is to love me:)

If you can’t live down your reputation, why not live up to it?

Haha! That's my motto too 😆

That black shoes, I'd love to see the heels. I have had many similar pairs, and they were surprisingly the most comfortable thing. I agree they can be worn on every occasion. I had a similar pair in 2007 when I just moved to the Netherlands 😍

Also, I think my upbringing is similar in that my mum made all my clothes and my sisters too. The only thing is that we wen through a phase of all 3 of us dressing like triplets. I have maintained my preference for individual clothing:)))

I just hope your mum was a sober sewer and your skirts didn't hit your knee on one side but only your thigh on the other:)
The shoes are completely flat and flat winklepickers were hard to come by, thus my purchase of multiple pairs. Dublin in the early 80s was not a friendly place for the 'errants' among us and heels are not conducive to a speedy getaway. He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day!:)

I like the black pair of shoes you are wearning. they are looking perfect on your feet.

Thanks, I'm very fond of them too!

Fifteen pairs!! I've done it before where I'd buy two of something or three of something I really like, but never fifteen of something! 🤣🤣

You obviously do not appreciate the difficulty of finding flat winklepickers in the early 80s!.. or my loathing for shopping.

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