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RE: Pre-Val’s day party

Then we got closer after a while cause there was an activity going on.
From what I saw, a sachet of water was placed on the floor, then a volunteer was blindfolded and given a stick and asked to walk to the sachet water and hit it with the stick. Saying it seems easy. Even watching it, it appeared easy. But it was extremely hard for the participants.

It was also extremely dangerous for the rest of you standing by and I’m honestly shocked you didn’t mention that. I know you won’t find me near that crowd😂

Based on the video and his appearance, those that would like to go on a date would him would remain quiet while those that I not interested would raise their hands or some sort of signal. Then another video is shown. This talks about his likes, hobbies, past relationships, his type of girl and stuff. Then the ladies would decide again.

I think this was the part we came in to meet. we got to the party pretty late. If care wasn’t taken, we probably wouldn’t even come anymore. Lol but I couldn’t miss an event organized by the boys.

I was even surprised the program went on for that long. The reason for this time limit, I don’t even want to bring it up.

So was I. This is why I said earlier we might not’ve shown anymore. Because I thought by the time we were headed out (which was pretty much 11pm), the party would’ve closed. To my surprise, we almost enjoyed the party long enough to notice it hadn’t closed soon as we were led to believe it would.

As for @thisisnativeboy, don’t mind him. Bro wears jordans every single day to sit by the road (like you already mentioned) so he’s the last person to talk about overdressing.😂


Even mommy (the small girl at our back) knows who’s doing too much.

It was also extremely dangerous for the rest of you standing by and I’m honestly shocked you didn’t mention that. I know you won’t find me near that crowd😂

Well I was pretty far from them. Can’t have anyone apologizing after causing me irreversible harm