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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 37: Your job passion

@galenkp Because I am in healthcare, this year has been the best in helping mankind and worse for what is happening. I wouldn't trade it for anything, but, it leaves me no time, working nights, and no time for engaging. :(( I am happy to get a post out.

Not complaining, just saying that not being involved is out of my hands right now... but, I am still here! :) This is a pretty nice thing you got going on!


It's good that you like your job as it must be terrible for those who do not, but have to show up every day and do it regardless. Seems wasteful to me. Still, billions do it.

People's jobs can become very important to them I think; Not always, but for some. I'm more of a life-engager myself and would throw in work in a second to have the chance to engage more with my own life and passions. My work feeds my life, not the other way around. It doesn't mean I don't like my job though, just that it doesn't define me.

The pretty nice thing comment refers to the #weekend-engagement I assume. It started small and gained traction and so I continue to do it each week; People tend to like it.

It's interesting though, so many who used to engage here dropped off, some off the platform altogether. I looked at a few only last week and they're still on hive and struggling to gain traction, don't comment much, and probably don't enjoy themselves? I do this to help people engage and interact...But I can't do it for them. It's a. Joice I suppose. Those that want to be here will be.

Thanks for your comments.