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RE: Cookie Cutter Creators

You had a wonderful family activity❤️

I remember our attempt at making gingerbread.
We were at a friend's house, where his wife brought out beautifully decorated gingerbread cookies (stained with lemon juice with sugar and food coloring) for serving.
We were delighted with their taste and took the recipe.
We bought different shapes of cake cutters, all the necessary ingredients and we tried to make them.
And we had a real negative weekend experience...
The recipe didn't work for us, the dough stuck to the molds, we couldn't get the desired shapes at all.
Not a star, not a deer, not a Christmas tree or the moon... Nothing.
It looked like a faceless mass and the dough almost ended up in the garbage can.
If my wife had asked, it would have been so. But I didn't give up. I stretched the dough again to the required thickness, cut it with a knife into strips, then into squares, rectangles, triangles, trapezoids or rhombuses and baked.
They were served to our guests with written formulas for the surfaces of geometric bodies, instead of pictures with a Christmas theme.


The most important part about gingerbread, is how it tastes! So the real question to ask is, were they good? :)