Week 197 - Important aspects of my personality, good manners or sense of humor

Hello friends of the community ❤️ I wish a happy weekend to all who visit me, it is my turn once again to join this new weekly round to share with you one more topic, the topic of personality, what perception we have about ourselves and how important is one with respect to the other. Many would think that this has nothing to do and that the two could not combine well, perhaps because in a funny person it is rare to see a serious person in a very educated way, in the same way that a serious and educated person makes jokes and connects humor with jokes easily, it is rare but not impossible, but the question is...how important is that aspect in our personality and if we give it enough value both in our intimate environment and in society. Well today I am going to answer that and a little more with the following question:

❤️What is more important to you (about your own personality): having a good sense of humor or good manners?❤️

For me, a sense of humor is important, but I also believe that if you are a rude, ill-mannered and disrespectful person, you don't have much value as a person, even if you are the funniest person in the world. Each aspect has its negative and positive side, because while being polite makes us gain respect, being nice and with a sense of humor can help us in personal relationships, have a more fluid and enjoyable conversation than a serious one and that can become uncomfortable when one of the parties has trouble breaking the ice as they say.

The truth is that it costs me a little to be nice and funny at the first interaction, that's why I'm more polite first and treat people with respect, and gradually entering into confidence, knowing a little more about the person to know if he likes or not that kind of relationship, I dare to make a joke, because not everyone likes that kind of games or way of being in a relationship both friendly and as a couple.

Personally I value a lot and I also like that the other person has this funny trait, as if his intention is to cheer up other people with his funny or sarcastic comments regarding a topic even of another person, but I think I appreciate more an educated and respectful person with whom I can talk calmly and openly, without fear that he can miss or bother me.

I hope you liked this little story in my participation in the round number #197, if you want you can share your story too. See you in a next time, happy new year and happy weekend!!!💕.

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You are very correct.
Good manners is the first for me as well. No matter how great a person's sense of humor is, if he doesn't have good manners, he is nothing to me.
Thanks for sharing this, I enjoyed reading.

Thanks so much for reading and I'm glad it was to your liking, and as you rightly say, I also think that without manners you won't get far in making an interaction or looking for a relationship. Greetings friend!!!

That is true.
You're welcome 🤗

Being funny is like a dance. You need to know where to step and when to do it. Manners are in sync with that idea. However, I understand why the question came up like that as some people tend to be rude with their "good" humor. I get your point of being cautious before attempting to be funny. We need to gauge how to be funny without hurting others.

What an apt comparison 😄 I really like how you compare it because while it is true that both go hand in hand, you have to be careful with who to be funny at first because maybe they would not like you, although others may also think that being polite is being boring...in the end it's all about having good intentions and evaluating a bit before interacting with others 😊.