Week 204 - In an apocalyptic world, what skills would be the most important?

Hello friends of the community ❤️ I wish a happy weekend to all who read and visit me on this occasion.

And as it is already a custom, I will share with you my participation in some of the many questions about the proposed topics, in particular there was one of them that caught my attention and today I will talk to you a little, from my experiences, opinion, perception...and also a little imagination 🤭😁. So that and little more I am going to answer with the following question that says:

In an apocalyptic world where society as we know it has completely collapsed (no electricity, running water, government, laws, fuel, etc.), what would you say would be the three most important skills or things and why?

To begin with, I must say that it is not my intention to harm or offend third parties with my story and opinion, since this would involve talking about my country, which although many do not believe it, in a not too distant time I had to live something similar to all the descriptions of the question without the need to be literally in an apocalypse.

Yes, sadly the economic, social and political situation in my country was in a very serious situation, so much so that it became world news due to the number of protests that took place. So during that time we first experienced a shortage, a hard stage where to get a staple product you had to wait in long lines, where they did not even guarantee to give you the products you wanted but only the ones they had. The supermarkets only offered you products by order, that option of taking the products from the aisles was over because if they were available for free consumption to the public, they would run out in a day, being out of stock and therefore scarce.

Another strong point is the failure of services, both water, electricity, gas and network service, are services that still fail today, even going days, weeks and months without them, as I say, with this you can see that there is no need for an apocalypse, just the bad legacy of a government with communist ideals that prefers to make its people go through this kind of situations than to leave and give up power ... but that is a topic and a line that I will not touch.

Now, among those skills or things that I consider important in such situations are strength, being aware and believing ourselves to be the strongest, since physical strength and especially mental strength is essential to not fall and lose the battle. Look for alternatives to get ahead, be your own source of income in the case as when the pandemic made us stay and without leaving our homes, online jobs or even putting a sale with some entrepreneurship, that was also a good alternative as well as at the time during the year 2020 to be on the Hive platform was for me. To be united and not to look for differences that isolate us even more, since I will always believe and trust that in unity there is strength.

I hope you liked this little story in my participation in the round number #204, if you want you can share your story too. See you in a next time, happy new year and happy weekend!!💕.

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Soy cubana, por lo que empatizo contigo totalmente, imagino la etapa tan estresante que vivieron, y ustedes que son un tan país rico en recursos naturales se han visto en crisis por malas decisiones del poder...

You are so right, in both countries we have lived through things that would easily be compared to an Apocalyptic world 😅, I tell this to a foreign person and they would not believe it but sadly that is how it is.

En un mundo apocalíptico creo que tres conocimientos son fundamentales: química, nutrición y medicina

Hehe with no food, no drink, a first aid kit, company, a weapon to defend ourselves and some distraction to not fall into madness would be good advantage points to survive...I don't see staying with only 3 😅. But your answer was summarized and very accurate too.

True. With chemistry you will be able to create weapons, supplements, etc. with common things 😁😁

Nutrition to ration and balance the little food

Medicine to help the wounded


Your ideas are good. Good luck

Jeje thank u very much 😁