You are always here | Letter for Weekend-Experiences

in Weekend Experiences6 months ago (edited)

Another Sunday and I'm back again, wandering in these thoughts that accompany this loneliness that never stops digging in the soul looking for that which is no longer there, but which is nevertheless always present here.

A few moons have already passed since the last time we were together. Then time had stopped in an eternal here, and yet it augured the inevitable departure that I refused to accept.

Knowing your determination, I knew that your decision would not be reversed, and that you would go off to explore the world and live the life that fate had denied you until then; and who was I to put a rein on a runaway horse that was born to be free.

Living in different times, difficult to reconcile; the one waking up at dawn while the other tried to somehow prolong its irremediable sunset.

But that last night time stopped at that point where day meets night as dawn approaches, and then an unspoken and silent pact was sealed between us, that we would always be there for each other, overcoming distance, time, attachments and possessiveness.

I will not deny that I miss you very much, but as much as it hurts, life is like the water of the river that continues on its path, constantly flowing forward and at the same time remaining present in the here and now.

That's how you are in my life. You arrived like a gentle drizzle that seems not to wet but ends up soaking; you filled the streams of my soul creating strong fluvial currents that run unstoppable towards the sea, and there the immensity awaits you where you belong; while I, sitting on the shore with my feet submerged in the water, watch you run towards your future.

You are there and I am here, but my feet are still wet, letting me know that you are always here.

--Text of my authorship E.Rivera--


Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 183

Posts must consist of 250+ words and you must use your own photos - no stock images.

You have to write and send a love letter to your true love this weekend and have not seen the person for six months nor will you for a further six months. What does your letter say and why? Remember to use your own photos.

All photos are by me.
This letter was written in Spanish and translated into English with Deepl (version for free).


@tipu curate

Agradecido por el apoyo, hermano y amigo.

Your heart is so wide and vast that it can carry in the same leap the joy and the pain, and let itself be caressed by that river that is never the same and yet, it is still river.

My love to you, and a big kiss.

How much we would learn about life if we were stones sitting at the bottom of a river, still, patient, watching the current go by and everything it carries with it, evolving in a slow process until we transcend the product of wear and tear.

It is always a pleasure for me to read you and your comments. Thanks for the visit.


Una carta preciosa. Estoy comenzando el domingo de forma inesperada leyendo cartas de amor, todavía queda espacio para amar, y todas humanamente increíbles, muchas gracias por la tuya. Muy Emocionante. Un abrazo muy grande

Siempre habrá espacio para el amor, a pesar de las historias que puedan estar ocultas detrás de la fachada de cada uno.

Como diría Brian Weiss:

Solo el amor es real.

Encantado de leer tu comentario.

No me ha sorprendido la referencia a Brian Weiss, me alegra mucho de que el peso de la comunidad que se expresa en español o castellano sea latinoamericana. Un abrazo