My guilty taste Older men?/WEEK 203

in Weekend Experienceslast month (edited)


Would you rather date or be with someone older or younger than you and why?

I like so many topics every week haha is that I feel very identified and this time is no exception.sincerely throughout my life I have been attracted to older men,I think it is my guilty taste 😂 ( with guilty taste I mean enjoy something that socially is considered inappropriate or that, if we like it, is interpreted negatively towards our person).

It's very weird to express it but I preferred to date someone older ,I like older people because they are confident, independent and have more experience, although the latter is the main reason why it becomes easy for them to attract younger girls.

I think that younger guys are quite immature, uncommunicative but this doesn't mean that I don't like them, it's just that if it's a matter of choice I prefer older men.


Some time ago I went out with a man 30 years older than me, 10 years older than me, he was very attentive, nice and gentlemanly during those 10 months that lasted the link but I think the difference in age, ideal thoughts and outlook on life was very opposite and evident, however from my little love experience I think this was the Best because I like people who are clear and decisive and do not suddenly throw childish tantrums, although somewhere I read that girls who like big men are because they lack a father figure in their lives and are looking for the security that a father provides in their partner.


A 30 years age gap is really a lot🤯
Mindsets might be totally different in cases like this one. Although you must have learnt something from it, mustn't you?😅

Epa epa jajajajjajaj noo entendiste diferencia era de 10 años tampoco me gustan los abuelos 😂

Revisa el último párrafo 😂

Jajajajaja tienes razón fue un error,ya lo arreglé...
Pero no fue 30 años tan loca no estoy 😂

Bueno😂. Hablemos de experiencias amorosas en Discord 🤔

Nunca he usado discord tengo telegram ☺️

Pasa user. Te agrego :)