Family birthday weekend

in Weekend Experiences8 months ago (edited)

The weekend was for some rest, for others celebrations and meetings, particularly my family and I went to celebrate 3 birthdays in a special way.

The birthday boys of the week

My son and I

On Monday my son turned 22, on Tuesday my beautiful mother turned 71 and on Thursday my younger sister turned 37, reason enough to celebrate on the weekend.


To get out of the routine and the birthday celebration at home we wanted to go out to dinner, we went to a very delicious restaurant with very good service called DON BRASAS, their specialty is grilled meat and chicken, so This was the menu of the night, grilled chicken with a delicious grated salad and corn hallaquitas, we also tried some delicious chicken wings and toasted with beers while we chatted, laughed and told anecdotes.

The evening meal

In total there were 12 people including my mother's 5 daughters, grandchildren, sons-in-law and nephews.

My Family

It was difficult to follow the thread of a single conversation but it was really very pleasant to be there all at that table enjoying that moment that we wanted to give each other, with those birthdays so close together some gifts came and went on that table it seemed like December in the month of September.

All my sisters

The family is like a puzzle, everyone fits together and we must find a way to fit together, we must enjoy the good things, the positive things.

My beautiful mother


Un post increíble!!!

Gracias por tomar tiempo para leer, saludos para ti



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