My thoughts on the habit / addiction of cigarette smoking / weekend-engagement 171

Hello friends,
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend?
It's another weekend challenge with the topic Habits, Habits can be good or bad depending on what you have as your habit. I want to say a big thank you to the organizer of the weekend engagement contests @galenkp and for the amazing topics he highlights for us. I really loved last weeks topic, i wanted to go on and on listing several things i thought are out of place in our society and i hope hasn't changed from the original pattern. This week he has been graced us with another set of amazing topics relating to the word Habits, its going to be an interesting one. I would be talking about the first topic which is


Topic One: - What are your personal thoughts on the habit/addiction of cigarette smoking? Write about your own experiences, for or against it, and generally discuss the topic.

Medically smoking is bad as smokers are liable to die young, no amount of rationing per day can stop the inevitable end. All man would die some day quiet alright but why make it quicker. Life is beautiful yet filled with pain but what value does life have if there are no challenges. To me I would say cigarettes are bad and one should not get addicted to such and if a person is already addicted should try quitting it immediately.

First of why do people smoke?
They do so to feel relaxed, to calm their anxiety and get away from their pains but the actual fact is that when the whole thing wears off their troubles are still there. So what's the essence of trying to get away from something you need to solve. Smoking does not take away the pain rather pends the present one and create another for tomorrow.


On many occasions have seen these things in action, what it does to people, how it affect there lifes negatively. I would share my experience with one of my former staff when i worked in a clothing factory. I supervised the orders and inspect what the workers are doing and put things in order ( I was in charge of the whole business). I had a worker named Josh, he was multiple talented and humble but he has a smoking habit, the condition to his employment was he had to quit smoking which he agreed to. That agreement didn't last 2 months he started his usual habit of smoking and we started to getting bad feed back from customers. Most of the time he's not himself we would have to take long breaks doing work hours because of him. We couldn't meet up with our ususal order. We realised he was not only smoking cigarettes but also meth and Marijuana. We had to sack him after so much advice and and support to help him change, he was so skilled he could use all the machines in the factory. Some of my work mate are dead/in the assylum due to smoking hard drugs which all started from the result of smoking cigarettes.


I would love to invite my brother @ezunjoshy & @ezun1 to this weeks contest i don't think i should have all the fun.

You cant stop at one so it's better you don't start it. Thank you all for stopping by to read my post, i would love to know what you hear your opinion about my post, see you next week.



You are welcome can't wait to see what this weeks topic would be

Not long now, about eight hours.