Mani Karan temple and Gurudwara

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)

Last weekend I had the privilege of visiting Mani Karan Temple and Mani Karan Gurdwara Sahib along with my wife in a very beautiful hilly area located in the Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh, India, a pilgrimage site for the followers of Sikhism.

The river Parvati is flowing from the middle of this temple. A source of very hot water emerges from this river, in which if we make a bundle of grains and put it in, then it becomes ready to eat by boiling immediately.

This water comes from the depths of the Earth's core and many minerals in this water, mainly sulfur is mixed. For this reason, by using this water and bathing in it, many skin diseases in humans are cured.

Thousands of Hindu and Sikh devotees visit this pilgrimage site every day. Free food has been arranged daily by the followers of Sikhism at this place, where thousands of people eat food every day.

This place is a boon to nature and is very picturesque. Many Hindus and Sikhs believe that many of the wishes of the people who come here are fulfilled by visiting this temple.

And it is also true that the wishes of many of my friends have been fulfilled by visiting here. A lot of snow falls in this place in the winter months, and there is fierce cold wind.

Inland flights are operated from Bhuntoor airport, which is at a distance of about 35 km from this place.

We came here in our own Car, the roads to reach here were very beautiful and picturesque. Litchi, Apricot, Phalsa, Peach, etc. Fruits are found in this region, whose taste is very different.

The water here is like immortality, it is coming straight from the mountains, after drinking it, bottled water seems completely useless.


All photos are taken with my own mobile camera Realme8 5G







