A bowl of my nuts

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago


Over the years I've eaten a lot of snacks; I'd call myself somewhat of a snackspert - an expert on snacks. I've eaten conventional snacks like chips, popcorn, chocolate and cookies and some non-conventional snacks also, some of which I've made up myself. An example? The previous days' left over vegetable korma, and melted cheese toasted sandwiches; don't knock it until you try it folks. So yeah, I know snacks.

Weekends are a traditional snack time for me because if I ate snacks all the time I'd need a Hiab crane to lift me out of bed; I like to look after my health and body so I apply some discipline, some snackiscipline, during the week but come the weekend...snacks happen.

I'm always on the scout for new and interesting snacks and lately I've been snacking on nuts and yoghurt; you can see a bowl of my snack-nuts in the image above.

It's a simple snack that begins with several gloops of no-added-sugar vanilla yoghurt. A gloop is a precise measurement in case you're wondering. Once the yoghurt gloops have been carefully measured out I put my nuts in the bowl. Tonight I had cashew nuts, macadamias, and almonds then added dried cranberries and berry-flavoured sultanas. I don't usually add a gloop of yoghurt on the top, I just added that fancy touch for the photo tonight. From there the process is simple: Take my snack to the couch, get comfortable and enjoy. I've been re-watching Game of Thrones and I'll be honest, having yoghurt on my nuts whilst doing so is glorious.

I've been adding yoghurt gloops onto my nuts for some time now and it's really great but, for some additional enjoyment, sometimes I change my nuts. I added pine nuts and pistachios a few days ago along with those above, and the other day threw in some pecans and added some chopped dried apricots to the mix and I'm yet to find a combination that I don't like.

I love my weekends and get fully-engaged with them whether I'm busy doing DIY around the house, in the great outdoors enjoying nature, inside writing, reading or watching shows...no matter what I'm doing I do it with passion, and that same passion is present when I gloop yoghurt onto my nuts.

What's your current snack food favourite, your snackavourite, to enjoy on the weekend? Tell me about it in the comments.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Any images in this post are my own


Looks very good, actually.

When I first looked at the photo I thought it couldn't be your snack because the cashew nuts were still in the mix. I'm still a bit suspicious...

I started mixing stuff in yogurt about 30 years ago. Kellogs Grape Nuts was first and I called it gruel. Pretty standard breakfast for me. Today I usually mix rolled oats in my yogurt. It adds significant bulk and makes me think I am actually eating more desert than is acceptable to me.

Oh yeah, you've got a good memory Tom, usually I pick out all the cashews...and get in trouble for it too! I'll be honest and say it still happens. 🤣

I started off by adding granola to yoghurt as my breakfast a while back and progressed to glooping yoghurt on my nuts as a snack. I guess it feels healthier than some of the other options.

I had you pegged as a glooper and you've confirmed my suspicions.

T O M !

Lol, yeah he came back.

J has a similar snack for dessert XD probably slightly healthier than what I usually have x_x

Meanwhile I'd managed to misinterpret your title and was wondering when you got nut trees in your garden and what else I've managed to miss XD

J has a similar snack for dessert

He is clearly awesomely intelligent and awesome. That's right, awesomely awesome.

Meanwhile I'd managed to misinterpret your title

I wrote it to be misinterpreted. Lol. I'm nutty like that sometimes.

I told J what you said about him and he said "that's what I tell everyone" XD

I'm sure there's some totally scientific armchair psychology assessment that could be done based on how people mis/interpret things XD

Lol, and so he should. 😁

"Over the years I've eaten a lot of snacks; I'd call myself somewhat of a snackspert"

And somehow still, you are NOT 400lbs/kilo


"I ate snacks all the time I'd need a Hiab crane to lift me out of bed;"

There you go...

"Once the yoghurt gloops have been carefully measured out I put my nuts in the bowl."

It is the mental image that disturbs me.

Ice cream is my crack addiction.

Several nights a week. When home. I will have a root beer float. Or even just a small bowl of ice cream or milk shake.

But I keep my nuts in their sack... Lmao

And somehow still, you are NOT 400lbs/kilo

I have a gift bro, and I'm active.

It is the mental image that disturbs me.

Well, you have the power not to have that mental image, but you did so...

I love me some ice cream...Come summer I'm on it like a fat kid on cake.

I've been adding yoghurt gloops onto my nuts for some time now

No wonder they call you the G dog! 😅 Legend.

Haha yes indeed. You've heard of snoop dog right? Well, there's also a gloop dog. 😁

If Sharwama qualifies as a snack ,it's my new Snack-ddiction (addition to snacks 🤣) . Hardly do a day go by without me eating it.

We have them here too, called a different name, and I understand your addiction. You're a sharwamaddict.

I tell you that I love to eat snacks with yogurt and nuts are my favorites

It's a tasty treat indeed, and reasonably healthy too.

Your dish looks so yummy! For me
the best is yogurt with honey and walnuts! It the real deal! But i prefer it with the traditional greek yogurt which is more salty! The combination of salty and sweet is ideal for a flavour bomb.

Oh yeah, I've had that and it's delicious! Greek yoghurt is such a great food, versatile and yummy! 🙂

Haha a snackspert, I thought youre a lamingspert?
Or probably both and call you a wellspert

Have a great Sunday !LUV

I'm an expert in many things really, I just make it up as I go. I'm called a manythingspert.

Yogurt on your nuts.....I'm glad you put a photo so my mind wouldn't go.... well... ok, it went there anyway....hahahaha.....

For real... I can't say yogurt with assorted nuts in it sounds good to me, but like you say, sometimes you just have to try something. I use to like to cut grapes in half and put them in yogurt for breakfast. They give such a sweet burst of flavor when you bite them. I guess most kinds of fruit would be pretty common with yogurt.

I have missed out on various taste sensations through not trying before I say no...I learned though, and am happier for it.

Grapes in yoghurt sounds like a good plan!

Exactly how many dollops to the gloop?? It's a very precise issue... I understand. 😁

I knew someone would get technical with such advanced measurements as dollops. It's a science really. 😊

I love yogurt, here they usually prepare different flavors with strawberry, pineapple, but with nuts I've never tried it, but it sounds good jii

Hey I'm also watching Game of Thrones again, in fact I just finished watching the fourth season, it feels like the first time, all so shocking, cheers mate.

We have flavoured yoghurts too, more flavours bthan a person can count. I like vanilla though.

And yep, it's been good watching GoT again, I'm picking up so many nuances I'd missed.

I've been re-watching Game of Thrones and I'll be honest, having yoghurt on my nuts whilst doing so is glorious.

Preparing for House of The Dragon now are we?

I don’t know why my mind thought something different when I read the title though. I like your little snackinvented words. Might borrow them some time:D

Yeah, House of the Dragon begins soon and I wanted to warm up for it.

I make up words from time to time, it amuses me, feel free to borrow them.

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Not particularly pleasant to see your nuts in a bowl before bedtime. No no.

Indeed, but I know those who would disagree with you. 😁

I too like to go "nuts" every now and then. I can't shy away when it comes to a bit of snack-tivity, especially when it's around 3AM. 😂

I knew you were nutty. 😊

Absolutely NUTSS 🥜



I'm enjoying salted sesame sticks! Haven't had them in years, but they're one of my favorites, at least as good as kettle chips!

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That's a good snack, it's been years since I've ve had them also though. Now I want some.

Hmm I am sure nuts have other meanings too. Lol!

I rarely snack though. If it's something to enjoy over the weekend, I would prefer to have a slice of cheesecake and a cup of Earl Grey tea.

I love me some cheese cake!

Chips is still hands down my fave snack.

Eating anything while seeing a movie hits differently for me; be it food or snacks.

Chips are awesome!