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RE: Weekend-engagement week 16: Reward announcement post

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Yeah, it was a good week...I'd love to see loads more newer accounts though, it seems people aren't that interested in free hive...Or maybe they're just not seeing the posts? Either way, it's good to have a fee on here enjoying themselves and adding to the fun.


I'm going to suggest that @thekittygirl and @brittandjosie alert the troops in the Terminal. A place built for newbies. I have no idea why that didn't occur to me before this...

I always say to newer accounts that do well join in starstrings01 is one of the ex terminal students and is a great blogger and in 21 on the list. I will do a announcement in the terminal again. These days it’s had to get them commenting, and working even @jaynie wrote a comment blog with her view, it’s time for change maybe the oldies like myself and @galenkp should step away😉 I will try this week to be number 1 if that succeeds I will step away. Deal?

No that's not a deal! We need 'experienced' people to show the newbies how it's done. We have some here that are getting it (there have been a couple of epic exchanges the last couple of weeks) but the oldies have to stay.

Besides, it's just so damn much fun to me :)

I love when the light bulb goes on and a newer person gets that you don't always have to be completely serious and technical with a comment to make it a GOOD comment. That's fun.

Well I do understand the comment strings here, but I also think it’s important to talk to a lot of people. But I have to agree on the light bulb getting on, I have that too have had that for three years almost and I want to pay forward and help and maybe I have to do that with comment strings

Right now I'm not to motivated to post. I CAN pay forward by commenting and encouraging comment for new people (some just new to me).

At least that's the story I tell myself.

Thanks for the mention 😊🤗🤗🤗.

You have no idea how many people over here need the free hive :)
I can tell you some could not participate for the most outrageous reasons: no internet, no power, no credit in their phones. Others, who don't speak english and are not very skilled with translators, feel intimidated by the language. Some people I brought to the platform have been unable to continue posting because they have urgent matters to attend or work that occupies most of their time; others are too depressed by their particular situations and you know how that vicious cycle works.

I told my daughters to participate. One was too busy working on a song, the other overwhelmed with weekend issues she was not willing to share.

I think that it is great what you guys are doing. I will keep promoting you and your community

I know many have issues with connection or power and tat it makes it difficult for them to be consistent; It's a pity in this modern era that the most basic of needs aren't supplied to so many.

I guess I just want to see people benefit from this concept, those who need it, but if they aren't there to do so I have to reward others who possibly don't need it as much.

Thanks for your support though, I look forward to seeing you around some more. :)

Oh, absolutely. I think that the reward mechanism is not under question. It's not a loss if one does not even bet on it. Hopefully things will change soon and connectivity/technology will not be an issue.

Yes, I hope things change there soon and you guys can all get back to normal without all the difficulties. Hopefully soon.