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RE: Weekend Crafting

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

We don't have kids, but if we did this is what we'd be doing with them; Craft stuff, outdoorsy activities, board games and things that inspire their imagination, get them using their hands and bodies and developing an interest in a wide variety of things, just like my parents did for me. Some parents thrust an iPad into their kids hands, plonk them in front of the TV or video game...That's not what I'd be doing though, and both of my brothers who have children 4 and under, don't do it...I think it's smart. It seems like you guys feel the same way. Nice post and great effort with the tile crafting.


Thank you Galen! This is absolutely what we try to instill in our son. He was right there with us for this entire thing and kept my husband on track with doing it when he kept doing other things haha. He’s such a little builder though, no joke we have big wooden 2 by 4’s in our living room every day for the past 4 months once he found them. It’s really special the hardware store Home Depot does a kid crafting thing for free once a month and when we started to bring him he went bonkers he absolutely loved it!


Picture doesn’t want to upload but yeah our son never used an iPad and we are getting him out of watching TV more and more lately. Some of our friends just stick their kid in front of it or a gaming system and let them go nuts. That’s not at all what we do and it shows with the bond we have with him. He always says please and thank you, wants to be with us and actually plays with us instead of just existing in the same room. Some close friends of ours have a daughter that they don’t sit on the floor and play alongside her and it shows with their relationship, she’s not right there with them for anything like ours is. Different ideals but these are things we cherish!

Long winded response but I appreciate you leaving a heartfelt comment :). I’m sure you make a wonderful uncle even if you didn’t have children of your own, you can still enjoy it that way. Our son won’t probably ever know his biological uncles and that’s sad but reality.

I think you guys are on track with your son and it speaks well of you for doing what you're doing - It's more work and time for you however he'll grow up better in my mind, more like it used to be in the old days.

I think I'm a good uncle; A balance of leading the little ones astray like all good uncles should and being a good influence. I hope they grow up knowing they can come to me and Faith for anything, it's an open door. I think my young niece and nephew will be good kids though, and adults afterwards, their parents will see to that.

Have to lead them astray sometimes! I'm an aunt (friend) to twin boys and you have to let them have a little fun at the expense of the rules from the parents!

The older ways of respect and family are exactly what we are going for. It's not easy but the right things never are, in our opinion! We hope he keeps up what he does now, for as long as he can. He’s such a little sweetheart with his words and actions and it’s not just because I’m his mommy, we are glad he’s more respectful then kids his age or our friends kids that have gone through his age.

I'm sure if you keep giving him good examples to follow he'll have a good base to work from and will continue those respectful and family-oriented ways moving forward.