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RE: On Hobbies

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

I think those studies you mention are definitely classed as a hobby. They might be some deep-seated need from within also, but anything you enjoy doing could be deemed a hobby. I mean things that are not work-related as I feel a distinct line needs to be drawn between work/job/vocation and one's true life. They may intermingle, but we are not our jobs.

Good post Tom.

(That desert road...Looks awesome.)


That desert road is EPIC. It's a really spiritual place for me. In the far haze you are peering into the back side of Monument Valley. Just off frame to the left is Valley of the Gods. Top of the bluff that road is hung on is a camping area called Muley Point (as in Mule Deer) and down near the bottom is Goosnecks State Park. All of those places are special, which makes the Moki Dugway (name of the area and road) really special. It's as near to God as anyplace I know.

Yep. My studies were definitely hobby grade stuff. Which only means I couldn't figure out a way to monetize them because I got in pretty deep.

It's good to have places around that mean more to us for whatever reason. I have a few.

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