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RE: Another Taste Of The Caribbean .. Both In Art And The Weekend

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

I can totally see you lolling around in that pool! When it's hot one must cool down and sometimes a little creativity wins the day. So, legit pool. The good thing about back yard pools is, no sand. I don't like sand. 😳

I had a pool at my last house, an in-ground concrete one. I can attest to your comment about it being better to be using someone else's than have one of your own. I ended up having it smashed up and filled in to be honest as I found a better use for the space. Doomsday bunker. (Just kidding, or am I) Lol.


For some reason I believe you (the yes part) about the bunker.. It's hard not to imagine that! haha. My cousin had one of those at one of their old houses. It was not like the modern day ones, nice and clean, nope! It was wet and full of spiders. Oh yeah.. Old rusty can goods too! hehe. They called it a fall out shelter here. Build during times of nuclear war concerns. Soooo.. Maybe not a bad idea to have one.

I dislike the sand too, but just bring some water along in the jeep and a good hand broom to rid it off my feet and legs. I usually can't wait for a nice shower after the beach. Our sand here in New Jersey is pretty fine.. almost dusty is some respects. Beautiful and easy on the feet, but does tend to stick to the skin rather easily.

I feel better about our small inflatable pool now. Oh yeah almost forgot! You'll probably get a kick out of this... I had a moment. The last several times I inflated the pool, I used the air compressor. This time I tried the blowout from a small shop vacuum I have. The difference in time... 15 minutes down to about 15 seconds! WHAT WAS I THINKING ever using the air compressor??? Sometimes I could just punch myself in the arm 😒

If I have a doomsday shelter, and that's an if, it wouldn't have any spiders, I had those little buggers; they creep me out. 🙄

It seems you're well and truly sand-sorted mate: Water, little broom. Clearly I'm dealing with an expert. I donthe water thing also, now I want me a broom too!

I hope you're enjoying that pool man. I'm not a big fan of hot weather, it gets supwr-hot here in summer and I wilt somewhat. Maybe I need a blow up pool! If I get one I'll not use a compressor to pump it either, just another life-hack I learned from you.

That little hand broom has come in very useful. It's the soft bristle kind so not to rough up and scratch my tender albino like leg and foot skin! 😆 Yeah.. Something other than the compressor was the way to go. I guess that sometimes I am still thinking INSIDE the box. lol

There's nothing wrong with soft, luxurious sand brooms. One must maintain and care for one's skin...we only have one skin after all. 😉