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RE: Quest for knowledge in Australia

in Weekend Experiences5 months ago

I'll see if I can dig out out of storage for a photo. It's a lot fatter in diameter than a vacuum cleaner pipe and harder to play. I play the trumpet so thought, fuck yeah, this'll be easy, but it was not. My brother got pretty good at it though.


The mouthing is a completely different thing. It must have been a tough experience.

I hope you get to try it as I know you like music and instruments the same as I do.

I could try to make one with pvc pipes. I've seen it done before.

That actually works, I've seen it done before.

They use bees wax to mold the mouthpiece so the seal is complete, that's important. There should be some YouTube videos on it.

Such an amazing video 😍

I thought you'd like that.