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RE: Visit to a heritage village | Santa Fe de Antioquia, Colombia

in Weekend Experiences9 months ago


Unfortunately you've not followed the rules and guidelines of this community and your post will be muted. You can find the community rules listed to the right of the community landing page here and I suggest you read the posting guide here prior to posting in this community again. If you have any questions you can reply to this comment and ask, I will be pleased to respond and further clarify the rules and guidelines I have set in this community I have created. Please ensure you read and understand the rules and posting guide prior to asking me any questions.

If you want your post unmuted please edit into English only, the title and text, and let me know you have done so, otherwise your post will remain muted.

Screenshot 2023-07-11 115053.png

Blackboard image source


Hello friend @galenkp. I apologize, I already made the modification by removing the Spanish translation, I have only left the text in English. I also apologize that due to confusion and time lag, I thought that yesterday when I launched this publication was Monday and that's why I say in the publication that this trip was "yesterday". This trip actually took place on Sunday. I just thought that yesterday was Monday because of confusion. I have just modified the publication making this correction, I changed the word "yesterday" for "before yesterday" to refer to Sunday which was when I actually made the trip. I apologize. 🤦🏻‍♂️😞

Your post has been unmuted, thanks for editing.

Thank you very much! And sorry for the inconvenience 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏♥️

It's not a problem; I told you, you addressed it and didn't spazz out about it, and we move on. It seems to have been a good process.

Thank you for keeping me in mind, for the great correction and for the support. Best regards🙏