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RE: My favorite country to visit

in Weekend Experienceslast month

Legit man, I agree that Italy is awesome. I love France too.

These photos took me back to when I was in these places, and (interestingly) I have very similar images of the same things. Probably not surprising I guess.

I spent a few days in San Gimignano, drank coffee, ate good food, drank some wine with dinner, wandered was so relaxing and a really nice setting for a couple to unplug.


I was in San Gimignano for a few hours and during that time I managed to eat some ice cream. I was sitting on the steps next to the well in the square, across from the pastry shop 😁
It was short but phenomenal timevthere. I can only imagine how much you spent staying there for a few days...
PS. all these years, I somehow bypassed France, I am preparing for it especially 😃

Wouldn't it be a coincidence if we were there at the same time!

Anyway, it's a nice little place and I'll go back, for food and other things. Lol.

France, get yourself there, it's splendid!