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RE: [WE114] Weekend experience: Getting breakfast Ready

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)

Why have you entitled this post with WE114 and tagged it #weekend-engagement when you clearly haven't responded to any of the writing suggestions in this post.

Unless you are responding to one of the writing suggestions as per the post I have linked above, please do not make reference to it.


The writing suggestion I used was. "I don't understand people who" it was bold in my write up. I'm not sure you saw it or did I do it wrong

Yeah, but the whole post is about entirely different things, not about people who don't take their business seriously. Adding that one line in there doesn't make the post relate. Don't take me for a fool, I am not one.

I'm not and I understand what you mean now.. I know my mistake and how to improve on my write up next time