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RE: Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 163

in Weekend Experiences10 months ago

I try to put some topics forward that people relate to, are sometimes challenging and sometimes just fun or humourous. I'm glad you like them on those occasions when you take a look.

I hope you're doing well and the business is pushing forward.


The topics are always right, no doubts on that.

I do well, thank you. The business is on stand by for the moment. We're waiting for some things to resolve.
But thank you. I cant wait to push it forward and continue working.

I hope you are well too.

Cheers from Romania to Australia 😋

Hopefully those things resolve themselves and the business can continue forward. Thanks for your reply, I hope you have a nice rest of the week.

Thank you, you too have a lovely time!

Yes, they will. I'm sure of it. 😊