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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 37: Your job passion

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Space exploration seems like a pretty good dream job...Rates up there with time-travelling travel-blogger I think!

I htink exploration in general is something to be valued...I have a desire to know things and delving into history is something I do a lot...I'd love to be able to do it full-time...Maybe I could do a historical travel blog rather than a traditional travel blog?

It seems like you have similar interests.

Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment.



Well, I'd say all kinds of exploration. I'm having trouble with sticking to one thing only. I love both natural sciences And social sciences. But I had the guts to study only the latter in the Uni... But field work is what sounds mostly romantic, seldom realistic.

It's always difficult to narrow things down to best, favourite, most loved etc. That's why I ask for one most often, to make people think harder.

Fair enough. It works.