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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 37: Your job passion

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

So your ideal job is to be a teacher, and you are a teacher. That means you're doing you ideal job, so well done!

I wonder what you teach, are you able to enlighten me? My guess is mathematics.

Thanks for for joining in this week, I appreciate it.



Hola galen, pues enseño a niños y jovenes con discapacidad intelectual, apoyandoles en las habilidades adaptivas, a su vez doy clases en la universidad, formando futuros docentes en educación especial. Sin embargó, mis ingresos y como profesional no son muchos y descubrí que estando en hive puedo ser libre económicamente y dedicarme a ser docente sin preocuparme.

Oh yeah, now I remember, disabled kids...My apology, I actually knew that but forgot. I talk to so many people here it's difficult to keep up at times.

Excelente, me gusta que seas tan atento y crees empatía con todos... Eres una persona genial... Por eso te va muy bien

Thank you for your kind words. I try to do my best although probably fall short at times. I'm pleased we have connected and look forward to seeing you around on the #weekend-engagement topic each week.