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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 43: Your food love or hate - Win hive

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

I am not at all sure about cheese, beetroot, and mayonnaise - but I might be willing to give it a try since I like all of the ingredients!

You'll not know until you try it...Don't forget to butter the bread, not margarine.

I concur with the Italian food thing, probably my favourite, and who can go past a lasagne! (Hint, not me.)

Umm, SHUT UP! Cheese cake Easter eggs! Come on, that's not fair! Now I want some.

The seafood thing...My mum was like that...Fussy! Lol. Just kidding. She didn't like seafood other than tuna and then not too much. I think many are the same, and many would disagree too!

Thanks for getting involved, I appreciate it.