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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 45: Only three items [answer and win hive]

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

I would always plan for a return. I am fortunate that I can get fairly remote not too far from home and so I'd forage and into urban areas and want to return home where possible to replenish supplies and so on...Might not be possible, but I plan for possibilities.

Depending on the situation I'd want to recce back into urban areas gathering what I needed, popping zombie heads (or others 😉) along the way, building equipment and supplies and besides it may be possible to make a return and reside there if everyone else has cleared out or died over time.

So, making sure my stuff was intact, safe and secure is important.


Those are all valid points. But also, I'm envisioning like an end of the world type situation. I'd probably ditch my two bedroom apartment and go find a nice abandoned mansion. There's plenty around here; vacation home city. I would want my belongings, true, so I guess I probably should close up shop. I'm not sure, depending on the situation though, if retrieving them would be worth the risk.

You bringing up the urban setting is important. So I'd probably have to ditch my area. We're all mountains here and the closest urban area is a good 30 miles away. There would be some good zones around there too, so I'd probably post up in that area somewhere.

But still, all things considered, you're right. Definitely worth it to lock up