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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Your choices are legit and suitable. I didn't necessarily mean material things when I asked the questions although know they 're important too. A wheelchair to a disabled person for instance. Your answers are just as valid and I like how you've explained the logic behind them, how they relate to you.

Gaining knowledge, (learning) and applying it will mean failure, (making mistakes) and that's a process to be valued. Stepping aside (detaching) is a nice way of seeing the big picture, of learning through gaining that arms length so one can evaluate the entire thing. So...Legit Andres. Good answer,


It was an iteration of answers. I had to pick one because there were too many choices going in my mind, but this looked like a satisfactory one. Glad you liked it, Galen.


 3 years ago (edited) 

You did well. I'm sure there's a gazillion things you could have said, like anyone, so well done isolating a few.

Thanks for the follow also.

Man I don't get it why my followings are dropping so often. Maybe it has to do with the connection. I don't know! 😅

Lol. I know right? All good man, I know you'll always drop by. There's obviously a glitch somewhere.

HIVE doing its usual thing! 😂

Dysfunctional. Lol.