My everyday BLUE gift [WE120]

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I wake up with a lot of energy and the first thing I do is go to the balcony to thank the universe for allowing me one more day of life and for that blue gift that caresses my sight.

These days Caracas, the capital of Venezuela, my city of birth and residence, has been affected by the weather.

The hurricane season is very active and it all starts with tropical storms that later become tropical cyclones or hurricanes.

These storms make us citizens who have to meet commitments rush through the city and when the torrential rains fall, we are forced to stop or get stuck in traffic.

This is not to mention the consequences such as collapsed sewers, electricity, and communication services. There are also health consequences because when we get wet we run the risk of catching a cold.

But quite apart from those things that are invoked by bad weather, there is something that fascinates me about my city.

The clouds can go from a beautiful white to sad grays, but the sky overcomes everything, the sun is not intimidated and the light appears to show us a blue sky, which fills you with hope, strengthens faith, and draws a broad smile on the face of more than one.

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That is a gift from the universe, from God, the Almighty, nature, whoever the creator is, or whatever you want to call it.

Often, because we are aware of our challenges, we do not realize how fortunate we are to witness the wonders that our eyes receive, the eye drops that make us sigh and that should give us reason to be thankful for life.

Every day I get up and run to my balcony to give thanks for that beautiful gift that is life and that for me is the color blue; my favorite color.

As a gift for having read me I bring you other images of that wonderful sky that every day is in front of my home.

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With these letters I am participating in [WE120] Weekend-Engagement promoted by @galenkp.

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I invite @marijo-rm and @mercmarg to enjoy this good weekend.

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Note: All images are my sole property unless otherwise noted
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The images were captured with an ALCATEL 1v smartphone.

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When I think of the colour blue the first thing I think of is the sea, maybe because it's my favourite place, your photos are beautiful, thank you very much blue sky

Thanks to you my dear friend for your visit and beautiful comment.
The sea is wonderful.

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The clouds can go from a beautiful white to sad grays, but the sky overcomes everything, the sun is not intimidated and the light appears to show us a blue sky, which fills you with hope, strengthens faith, and draws a broad smile on the face of more than one.

It also happens here in my country, Nigeria. There are days when the sky looks gloomy from the rainy season but when the sun lights up, the sky becomes bright and blue.

I really love the sight of blue skies and fluffy white clouds that I don't hesitate to take a shot of it.

This post was a beautiful read, I love how appreciate of life you are. It's important to give thanks to God everyday for that beautiful gift. And for the fact that our eyes can see it.

Happy weekend from this side ❤️.

Hello Dimma (@dimmablogs).

What a beautiful comment that motivates me to start the day with enthusiasm and joy, just as it happens when I approach my balcony, to see the blue sky in front of my face.

I am very grateful for your visit and your words and I wish blessings to rain on you and yours.

Best wishes.

You're welcome, it's my pleasure ☺️. Best wishes to you too!

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