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RE: I want a... // WE104

Hi cute Cris (@actioncats).
Starting to read you on the spot I smiled. I knew you liked cats but flare tigers, snow leopards; you went overboard.
But you were more daring and came to me with a hippopotamus.
When I was little and visiting the zoo in Maracay called Las Delicias, a hippopotamus had the brilliant idea of turning his tail in the direction of my brother Luis and me to shoot such a volume of poop that remembering I think I still smell it.
And with your dog, my friend, I think we should take you to a specialist. And then they say I'm on a leash.
A thousand congratulations for this original content, I really liked it.
Blessings to the family.



Hahaha, you allowed me to laugh, just as you have that experience with that Hippopotamus, some neighbors told me about a hippo fart they were away and they say that the smell was horrible, I can't stop laughing to imagine this kind of things and especially to know that I surprised you, hahaha, I thought that was impossible.