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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 45: Only three items [answer and win hive]

in Weekend Experiences β€’ 3 years ago

Hey MacGuyver is that you? πŸ‘€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

I see you!!!

I'm learning new things here, I honestly have/had no idea what a HAM radio was... But do you think the mobile phone coverage would go down? Internet yes but normal calls?

(and now I'll quietly wait hoping you got that reference, the level of humor depends on it!)

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It depends very much on what happens. If there's an EMP then cell phone coverage will be knocked out, the old school radios that actually run on radio waves I think would probably still work. If not, hey there's always smoke signals πŸ˜„

Haha who said anything about an EMP? Hhaha why are you making things worse for us??? 🀣