My first post on week and experience || how nice it is to camp on the top of the Malayan hill!

Hallo everyone

is my first post on week and experience, nice to meet you all! I've just started sharing posts on the hive blog for a few weeks and I'm very happy to be able to share some of my daily moments, I really like walking around beautiful places like beaches and mountains and this weekend I'm camping on one of the hills which is quite beautiful in one of the rows of hills in the louser aceh forest, who doesn't know louser? This forest plays a very important role for the world's oxygen covering an area of 1,094,692 hectares [source]

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However, where we spent this weekend, the peak of Malaya, judging from its name, is similar to the highest mountain in the world, which is located in Nepal, but the place we climbed is different and not as high as the Himalayas, of course. Puncak Malaya is just a hill with an altitude of about 2500 masl. Located in the corner of the city of Takengon, central Aceh, the height of this hill is enough to see the panoramic stretch of line Mountains that connects to the louser forest of Sumatra, and it will be very beautiful to see in the morning, curious? In this post I will share some pictures of the expanse of hills lined with louser forest.


Camping is a refreshing alternative to unwind from all the daily activities. Besides being able to refresh your mind, this activity can also bring you closer to nature. Moreover, Indonesia is known to have 1001 tourist attractions in beautiful camping areas, very suitable for holidays while enjoying the cool and beautiful natural atmosphere.

Unfortunately, not a few of these camping spots are located in areas that are difficult to reach, forcing us to cross the tracks that are still damaged by vehicles. But often behind the steep roads and winding routes, there are tourist attractions with amazing views like Bukit Puncak Malaya guys

This hill was just initiated by several people who took the initiative to make it a tourist attraction. Previously, this place was just an unproductive wilderness. The young man's name was Cepot, who also met and chatted with us. camp attractions. It was from the initiative of Cepot and several other people that this place was opened jointly by youths in the local village, they did this collectively without any help from any party.

The potential of this beautiful place has attracted the interest of many people to come to visit this place in a short time, social media has made this place famous and many know about its natural potential and beautiful scenery, it is not uncommon for cepot and his colleagues to receive guests from outside. area to ask to be delivered to the tourist attraction. From this opportunity they also take advantage of tourism development such as adding camping facilities such as renting tents, stoves and food. Very positive ideas and ideas for local youth who create and grow a new economy for the people around them

We stayed on this hill for only one night by renting the facilities that had been prepared and take it easy, we didn't have to walk to get here, friends, because even though the track is a steep incline, the motorbike can reach to the top, by taking about 2 hours. the journey from bies village we have arrived at the destination.


this is the view at night, the sparkling city lights are very beautiful to look at from the height of this hill plus the reflection of the moonlight on the lake which looks like a very small pond from afar and of course it is at the top of this hill it is very cold at night so prepare your jacket ok if camping in the hills!!!


and the most fun thing about camping this weekend is sunbathing in the morning for just 10-15 minutes. This will help increase the production of vitamin D in the body while improving your mood and is also very good for the health of our skin.





and finally I would like to thank you for reading my weekend camping story and thank you for liking, commenting and viteing this article, your vote is my motivation to write and share more stories on this hive post, see you in the next post and have a nice weekend it's also fun.


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    Great potential has that place, very good place to camp, can see from the photos and your description in the post, great energy recharge to continue with the day to day.

    yaa! I also feel the same way @ramrikrdo this place very potential and of course camping and seeing the scenery refreshes mind suitable for our activities when we are tired in our daily activities