Playground Exploring on a Sunday Afternoon!

in Weekend Experiences11 months ago (edited)

Sundays are always my special days in a week. It breaks me out of my usual routine and I like Sundays because I get to attend church and perhaps get out of my usual "housewife" look.

Yes it is probably the only day in a week where I put in the most effort to prepare food for children and to dress different from my usual home clothes. All because I think God deserves my best! So though it requires many more things to be done on my end like cooking the children's lunch earlier and I prepare my self too (doing up the hair a little and make up), I always do it with joy and anticipation.

Today church ended a bit later at nearly 2pm. My youngest who played a lot and ran alot KO-ed by the time we reached our eating place for lunch so he slept in his stroller but woke up right before we were about to leave. It landed him in a very bad mood because perhaps he felt he missed out all the fun with friends and he told me he didn't want to leave the eatery though thebplace had no more food to serve. So we had to take him to car though he was having a meltdown.

I tried to stay as calm as possible hearing him on what he had to say too. I repeated what he said and one of them is he wanted to go to a playground but my husband and eldest son needed to go home. The husband was having some drowsiness because he needed to take a drowsy flu pill due to his sneezes so he desperately needed his nap. I let them go home and this young son was still crying so I told him we would go to the playground.

Playground, the best medicine to the soul!

Haha at least it is for some children. We started with eating some ice-cream at the playground together. This is my first time to this playground at Jalan J which is near my neighbourhood but I never notice the presence of this playground.

It has quite a bit of facilities like 4 badminton courts, proper football court with goalpost and nets which my young son has been looking for, some slides , some swings, exercise facilities, see saws and hut.

The facilities all looked rather new and not broken. There is also no mosquitoes around which I like that part. The only problem is probably the maintenance of cleanliness of this place. There were rubbish spotted and there were no available bins for rubbish disposal.

So my son went to kick some football, played with the exercise facility that he referred them as "steering wheels" and played all the playground facilites such as slide and swing.

He enjoyed himself so much that he became his chatty self again. We spent about 40 minutes here. Thank God there was a gentle breeze and the sun was blocked by some clouds so it was bearable and not too hot.

Finally we were set to go home after he was satisfied to his heart's content. We reached home at 430pm and I was the one almost KO-ed. I felt very tired by then but ya it is worth it. Then he could talk to us about his meltdown and process his emotions with me. Sundays arw always my most tiring days but yeah I wouldn't trade it for anything else because it is also my family bonding day.

Today is Father's Day. I want to wish and thank every father and dad figure I have come across, including my husband, my dad, my father-in-law and also my Heavenly Father. A father is so important because he imparts identity to his children. Also I remember the fatherless on this day too that there is a Father in heaven Who never cease to love and reach out to His children.

Happy Father's Day to all the amazing dads here on Hive too!


Haha, i think lots of people feel grouchy if they are hungry. So, the young man is very normal.