Two Truths, One Lie about my life [WEEK 136]



1.- I forgot the lyrics of a song during a charity event:

So this happened during a daytime event at a public hospital when I was working as a singer for a local network TV project. They hired us to attend the closing of that event and they let me add this song at the last moment and it was a real disaster, not only for me, but for everyone who was there.

It was a simple song, very well known and I was sure that I would not forget it but I did and although several colleagues were with me on stage and tried to help me, not much could be done. Although I was able to recover a bit at the end, the damage was already done. You can imagine the embarrassment I went through once I got off that stage. That was the last time I went on stage to sing, after that it took a long time before I sang in public again.



2.- Had my first panic attack during rehearsals:

I was still in elementary school when this happened and it wasn't until 2021 that I realized that on that day I had my first (and only, thank God) panic attack. It was more than 22 years ago but I remember it like it was yesterday, it all happened because of the pressure of our essay director, she pressured me to such a point that I had to leave the classroom with intense pain in my chest and almost unable to breathe, oh, and crying at the same time.

She didn't care what was happening to me and she didn't do much to help me. Thanks to the fact that my classmates, who are the same age as me, managed to notify the school principal that I received help.




3.- I was taken offstage by mistake during a performance at a coffee shop:


Everything happened very quickly, and I didn't even have time to react. I had the invitation from a singer colleague who invited me to sing on my birthday, almost 7 years ago (09/18/2015), and I agreed to go and perform for the first time with her on stage.

Once the musicians started playing their instruments and the first chords of the song we chose to sing, two security men interrupt the performance and ask me to get off the stage and accompany them out of the coffee shop to discuss a problem that was with me. Once outside the venue, they told me that I was prohibited from entering and that I had to pay the debt that I had left that day in the afternoon (the show was at night).

I explained to them that it was my first time in that place and that there was no way I could have been there in the afternoon because I was in class at that time. A few minutes later, another security agent arrived apologizing for the mistake they had made and that I was not the person they were looking for, although there were similarities between the other person and me, they realized that I was not the person they were looking for . I got out of that situation and then I finished my set and all the attendees and the coffee shop workers sang to me until my birthday.



Happy Weekend everyone!

(Some photos used on this post belong to me)




How can the teacher be so heartless, I mean that's cruel with the pain and all no single sympathy.
I think number 2 is a lie.😄

That option seems like the most fake for everyone and I get it. Thank you for your comment, @goodysam.
I'll tag the winner tomorrow when I reveal the lie on this post.

Awwwwnnn I pray I will😄😄

Ehhhhh, I feel lIke number 3 is the lie here? Haha, i feel like it's a prank by your friends, maybe? Haha, anyways, number 2 is too much eh. Good thing someone help you during that panic attack. Wait, is this real? Haha I can't tell which is which, lol.

lol Let me know which one is your final answer and I'll be tagging the person who chosen the right answer, @ruffatotmeee

My final answer is number 3? Haha, yeah number 3, haha.

You have given more details about the first and third ones, I think the second one is a lie, about the panic attack.

Everyone is thinking the same about that option lol Thanks for your comment, @verdesmeralda.
I'll tag the winner tomorrow when I reveal the lie on this post.

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Thank you guys!

Why do I have the feeling that number three is the prank here

I'm sorry for the panic attack but I'm grateful you came out strong and healthy

Thank you for your comment and for your making your choice.
I'll tag the winner tomorrow when I reveal the lie on this post. Have a wonderful dan, @pearlie123.