[Week 123] Weekend-Engagement concept: I have to let go the past



Happy weekend everyone!

This weekend concept is going to be deep for everyone, I'm sure about it, I know that for myself would be. I choosed this question cuz is one of the questions that's been around me through this year specially, since I started to actually take a look inside myself and try to solve a lot of the issues that I know I have.

"Is there something about yourself that you know you should let go of, but haven't been able to? What is it, how does it effect you and why can't you let it go?"

One of the things I related with this question is that I asked that myself at the beging of this year, maybe not the exact same question but something similar to that, I after a few months I could actully get an answer that would help me to let that question answered and ready to be over it soon.


Everyone has a past, that's a fact. But everyone has a different past, maybe some are full with good memories and others are maybe full with bad ones, but still a past, and some people can actually see their past with a smile on their face or with tears dropping like a waterful after a good raining day on the forest.

I'm between those two concepts, I can't denied that I had a very good childhood, full with amazing memories and family and birthday partys, and wonderful christmas and new year gatherings with family and all those happy and amazing days that are now part of my past, but, there's another part, the one that bring me pain and bad memories that I don't want to have in my present, neither in my future.

I figured that my issue was that I wouldn't let go that past cuz, even thought it wasn't perfect, it was a good time in my life, a time that is already in the past. There's still a lot good things in my past that I want to have in my present but is not possible anymore and I need to understand that; I can't be a kid my whole life, I can't be a teenager either, I have to let the past go and try not to relive it cuz that's not how real life works.


But I only wanna have the good things from my past, the bad times I don't want them, those moments are the ones that always brind me back to reallity cuz I don't want to relive any of those them. And that's a good reminder everytime I see that life that I already lived, not all is good, not all is ok there, not all that you need is related to that past, the future and whats to come in my life is what matters now.

I'm not ready to look back and have a solid emotion or feeling about that life, but I'm sure that I'm walking in the right path to achived better things in my life, for the future. Is not easy, I'm not 100% ready to confront what's to come, but I have faith in God and I know that working on myself with his help, is just gonna be exactly what I need to move on from my past, forgive and heal once it for all.



Happy weekend everyone!


Thanks for this interesting and moving weekend concept, very appreciate the chance to write about something quite significant for me.

(All pictures belong to me)


