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RE: Facial Stroke and a Great Week to Leave the Work

in Weekend Experienceslast year (edited)

Are you sure that it’s not just Bell’s Palsy, which is a very common condition. Bell’s Palsy affects millions of people and only lasts a week to ten days.

Once the facial paralysis sets in, many people may mistake it as a symptom of a stroke; however, there are a few subtle differences. A stroke will usually cause a few additional symptoms, such as numbness or weakness in the arms and legs. And unlike Bell's palsy, a stroke will usually let patients control the upper part of their faces. A person with a stroke will usually have some wrinkling of their forehead

Read more's_palsy
I hope to hear that you recover quickly 🤗❤️💕


My doctor today told me the improvement is very good and it is possibly Bell’s Palsy. The MR brain scan results will be checked tomorrow.
I feel relaxed.
Like an elephant left my shoulders...

Thank you so much and thank you kindly for the comment 🙏🙏🙏