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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

That's wonderful, @artemislives. I think it is very stress-reducing to get rid of things, and send them on their way to other uses and other people who need them more. We also have a local "Buy Nothing" Facebook group. You have inspired me! I'm going to start using it. I have several friends who swear by it. Thanks for engaging in this topic with your ideas!


You should, @jayna! I use it all the time. It is great! No tax deduction, but, I am more than okay with that if it is going to someone who can use it!

By the way, around here, the less fortunate who used to supplement their households with Salvation Army and Goodwill, (not so much St. Vincent de Paul) can no longer afford it, they have gone up so much in prices!

That's so sad. I have witnessed that at Goodwill. You put capitalists in charge of a business designed to support people in low-income brackets, and the dynamics instantly change. The good news is that it does employ a lot of people who need work.