[WEEK 172] The farewell message


You're in a plane about to crash (and you'll die) but have time to send a single text message. What is it and who do you send it to? Explain your reasons.

If you're reading this, Estefany, I'm likely no longer among the living. I'm writing these words as I face the imminent possibility of an airplane accident, and I want you to know what's in my heart in this final moment.

First and foremost, I want to ask for your forgiveness. I acknowledge that I made mistakes in the past, that I was naive, and at times, too stubborn. I allowed myself to be deceived by someone who didn't deserve my trust, and I deeply regret any pain I may have caused in our relationship. I never forgot that day, and even though time has passed, I always carried that guilt.

I ask that you take care of my cat, Negro. He's a grumpy fellow, just like me, and he adores you. I know we have many rescued animals depending on us, and though it will be hard work, I have complete trust in you all to ensure their well-being. Please also seek help from Mom if needed.

Despite my solitary nature and sometimes irritable character, I want you to know that I always loved you deeply, even when I believed you didn't feel the same. My negative emotional intensity was a reflection of my profound love for you. Many times, life didn't unfold as I imagined, but the love I felt for you and our family never wavered.


I wish you, my dear niece Amanda, Mom, Dad, and, of course, my loyal four-legged companions, all the best in life. I even hope that Jaime changes, although I have my doubts. Please take care of yourself and protect yourself from him.

At this moment, as I face the end, I want you to remember that I always loved you and cherished our relationship, despite the difficulties. May these words serve as a final testament to my affection and regret.

With eternal love,

I would send that message, even though it's a bit long, to my younger sister. Several years ago, she was involved in an accident where sadly, someone she loved passed away. Before that, I wrongly judged them both, and I feel guilty because that accident might have been the result of a series of events in which I was involved.
I will never forgive myself for what happened.

Also, regarding our rescued animals that have become our beloved pets, I adore them. If something were to happen to me, I want you to take care of them. However, I know that my sister is just as much of an animal lover as I am.

I've always felt a profound terror towards airplanes. I've never dared to board one, and the mere idea of flying fills me with anxiety. My agoraphobia, that uncontrollable fear of situations I deem threatening, has been an insurmountable barrier to undertaking air travel.

The idea of being trapped in a metallic cabin suspended in the sky is a nightmare I prefer to avoid at all costs. My mind fills with dark thoughts and irrational fears as soon as I imagine being at an airport. The physical symptoms of anxiety, like cold sweat and a racing heart, take hold of me just at the thought of boarding a plane.

Even though I know that aviation safety statistics are solid and millions of people fly safely every day, my agoraphobia turns it into an insurmountable obstacle. In my life, airplanes will remain objects of fear and admiration from solid ground but never as a means of transportation. I prefer to explore the world in other ways, knowing that the ground will always be beneath my feet, providing me with the security I need to confront my inner fears. Anyway, this is fiction 😉, although the letter isn't 😞.

Images of my property
100% original text, created for
Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 172
Text translated to English with Deepl translator


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I think that in the moment, the plane plummeting to the ground and knowing you'll die, it would be very difficult to know what to say and have the presence to actually articulate it. I like this lovely message though, nice work.

At first, that's what I thought, but then I realized that there are still a few minutes left before a bomb goes off or the fuel runs out 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😅

A lot can be achieved in a few minutes. 🤔