Their Perspective About Me.


Somehow I can read the minds of other people here in our place, some of it are positive but most of it are negative since I had a bit of failure in my past. Well we all have flaws in the first place and there's no one here who is perfect. People just make it more complicated and ugly because some can't accept the flaws of others. They only see it as a flaw and not a strength to someone.

Their perspective towards me may varry to person to another person since we have our own mind to formulate those thoughts about someone or something. So let's start with the positive first.

** What they like about me?**

Maybe they like my kind hearted side which is I can't stand to watch someone to suffer and if I see some I always reach out my hand even if I'm bleeding also inside. I can say this because people here tend to come here when they need some assistance to their works and even financially.

They may think also that I'm approachable. Because no matter what your status in life if you will approach me anywhere and anytime I will always entertain you. Well I do this because I know the feeling of being ignored especially in difficult times.

Another one which people may like about me is my capacity to be calm at all times especially when arguing about something. People here loved to argue with a lot of things and sometimes they include me especially in hearsays they learned from other people in the nearby barangay. You will not hear me shouting infront of you even if you're shouting. I will talk normally even if I'm angry inside. Well I can't lose my composure infront of everyone.

Image source:Unsplash by Amaury Gutierrez.

I'm crazy.

People may think like this towards me because I didn't talk much infront of the crowd. I'm a silent person when I'm with new people but I can be talkative as I can if I'm with someone I'm close too.

Another reason people may think like that because sometimes I have my own world looking at very far away. To be honest you can see me outside of our house sitting under the shades here staring up in the sky watching the clouds as they pass by.

They see me like that but little they didn't know that I'm thinking deeply on how I can break the cycle of poverty in our family and also some important things about the future.


Image source:Unsplash by Zhang Kenny.

I'm lazy.

People here may think something like that about me especially those people who's not our neighbor. Ofcourse they didn't see me doing a lot of work that's why it's easy for them to think like that. But if only they can feel the palm of my hands, they will notice that these are not the palms of a lazy person.

And our neighbors here can prove it that I'm not a lazy human who's just waiting for the apple to fall down.

Those negative thoughts about me may not come out in their mouths but as I make eye contacts with them, their eyes are shouting with those thoughts.

Well they have the freedom to think anything about me and I don't really care about it since it doesn't harm me in any way. They're just wasting their time.

Remember: It's not easy to please everyone in your surroundings so just be yourself and don't let those killer eyes hinder you to do good things to your fellow humans.

This is just for today's blog and this is my entry for the said weekend prompt. Happy weekend to everyone .

Thank you for reading my friends.


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The original #weekend-engagement concept by @galenkp featured in the

Image belongs to @galenkp

Thank you sir.😊

I see, this is how you see yourself and what others think about you. Well, we have different kinds of impression with each other. They might think of you something like that, but at the end, what matters most is how you handle yourself and stay firm in your own beliefs.

That's really true Den.In the end what's important is yourself. Their thoughts are not the one who will build you into someone you want to become.

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That's awesome ..let's hit it.

you're not crazy, they are the one who are crazy if they thought of you like that. well, i relate much because i don't go outside of our house often (only goes out when i have school appointments), i think they think of me as lazy as well because the standard here to label you as a hardworking kid is when you're skin gets too tan because of the outside work. however, me on the hand is very pale and is very obvious that doesn't get enough sunlight all the time.

People sometimes loves to judge someone from their eyes point of view and they pissed me sometimes. But as @dennnmarc said ourselves is what matters the most. I work in our rice field also but my skin didn't get dark so other people thought that I'm not expose into that kind of work.

let them be and let's focus on ourselves 💗