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RE: Weekend-engagement week 67: The important week

Bikes are like bad wives giving you uphill, buy another and set those two free, no use building a harem that is too old for your sprightly nature....

Rex went pretty 'white face' around 7, Jodi not so much at that age but she wore the 'pants', he was my shadow perhaps that was the reason his showed earlier. Give Sam a hug I do miss my Rhodies!


That is my plan. Set those two free. The Connie would be really good for a young guy that wants to start long distance riding but doesn't have the money to buy 'the current hot set up.' And the VStrom is a great camping and back country bike for that crowd. Both groups tend to be younger than me :)

Ahhhhh. Sam is just starting to go white. Casual people don't/won't notice at all, but of course I do.

Hope you get that ride by end of winter, Spring out and enjoy the younger riders they too can be fun!

We tend to try ignore those first few white sprigs showing through, he knows you love him, healthy and happy, hopefully Sam makes a good long life.