Inquisitively Picking on One of the Oldest Hotel in Cebu and The Story Behind the Monuments of Sudlon National Park

Have you ever wandered into an unknown place where you wanted to delve into what's inside? For me, YES! I always wanted an adventure wherever I go. There were untold stories behind might to know.

During our visit to Sudlon 2, together with my husband and his nephew, we went to one of the oldest hotels in Cebu as well as the one known to be Jayme-Moncado Colony.


Allow me to share with you guys my experience during this one-in-a-million opportunity to be here. So, Let's go?!


Early in the morning, I headed to this talk of the town hotel and the people inside it. I was surprised as I saw the guard attending the guard's house.



He's a military with long hair, a long beard, aged, and a dedicated staff. Before going inside, we have to pay 25 pesos or 0.45 dollars as our entrance fee. The guard explained that it may help them with their needs in the hotel. They called the place General Headquarters Filipino Crusaders World Army Inc. Then we were accompanied by a tour guide.


Near the entrance was the letter to General Federico Jayme from Hilario Camino Moncado, appointing him to lead the Filipino Crusaders. They made this letter more visible to others, so they'll know the truth behind the command.



As we continued, I was surprised by how vibrant and healthy the flowers they have. It's perfect in their place.




While we're celebrating our Philippine National Heroes. Here they are erecting a monument for the three important people in this place. They have been a great leader of all the people of Sudlon back then.



We followed stairs going up where General Jayme and his wife's, Magdalena, body lay. But in the middle of our ascension, this caught my attention. Why was there a chapel for General Moncado? Is this a cult? Why do they pray for him and even give him food and drinks? Many questions running on my mind that time. So, I asked the tour guide, why is this so.

She replied to me then. It was an image of General Moncado praising him for what he had done to them. The legacies that until now, they have been practicing.




It seems my legs went numb as we ascended the path. It's approximately 500 stairs up to the museum.


This is the museum of the couple General Jayme and Magdalena. Where there's a crown-like above it's museum. And here I am donating coins to its box. Is this necessary? We'll no, it's up to us. But for me, I felt the urge to give. Why not? Here, many have visited since there are few drinks here already.

A few of their legacies and the teachings of the General were: that they should not eat any meat (vegetables only), no seasonings, they should not court nor marry a colleague, and the like. The members of this group were called Moncadians, almost all the people of Sudlon were members of this group and they're wearing military attire with one feature just like what I have described as the guard.



After we visited their museum, we roamed around and found this space here. The tour guide said this place was for the Moncadians who wanted to escape from temptations outside. The overlooking part of the park where we can gaze at the whole Sudlon 2.


This served as their signal. Before, they used it for when they called a meeting, but now, they hit it for a sign of calamities or any dangerous happenings The hotel is always open for the people's refuge.



The aborted space where they used to have meetings, Sunday classes, and worshipping. Yes, you heard it right. They also have Sunday classes and worshipping God. They don't have a certain religion but they know their principles and teachings are enough to educate and feed the soul of their members.

It's spacious enough to cater to such numbers of people coming here. And as I interviewed once a member here. The grandmother of my husband's nephew. She's one of the living legacy and proof of this community. Wherein she used to live here since six years old until 25 years old. She knew their principles and it was all good for them, they were healthy back then. None of them was against the rules. But when she fell in love with her colleague, they were both banished from the community. Soon after having a family, they gained the trust back but never the same as before.

Years past, things have changed. Other members are secretly or shall we say they already embrace "change". As they now eat meat, they even put seasonings and others. They have been influenced which was their choice.





And finally the hotel! I thought they accepted bookings just like any other hotels but no, other militaries were living here. They took care of the hotel and everything here. The militaries were still active and can even see them in the cemetery where they clean the area. In fact, they own the Sudlon 2 cemetery. They let "outsiders" be buried there even their not part of the community. However, recently, they revised their rules. Only members can be buried in a certain cemetery. Now, other members of religious section are buried in the next public cemetery. They had no choice.



They even have a pool, a wide pool. Every year, they celebrate a fiesta which was according to my in-law's, they cracked with a full blast! Have a parade in showcasing their military uniforms and prepared healthy food.

We never dare to get inside the hotel since it's prohibited and we never asked why. But overall, I enjoyed my experience here in this old hotel. I learned a lot! The things that we didn't know and hear before. Now we're able to unveil it's beauty.


That's all for my weekend experience Hivers! Hope you enjoy and learn from my blog. See next time🫶😉


~I joBEElieve I can, so you can😉


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Thank you so much po🫶

So happy to read about your post and the history of that place Ma'am. So glad to know that there are a lot of things to go and learn about Cebu 🤗 Thank you for sharing po.

Yes po Mam. I was amazed by how they were able to lead people of Sudlon

It's like a closed community place, noh? Places like this I'm kinda terrified but since you're not on your own, it's okay. The story behind is one of a kind - made me more terrified than usual though. 😅

Yes po miss. Closed community sya. When I knew the story. I was a bit puzzled and terrified too. But yeah, they made a history.

I've just heard about this oldest hotel madam. Never thought this exist. Mura siyag eclusive community. Hehehe

Yes madam. And dili lng kay dre ra. Napa gyud dghan sa laing lugar kay dghan man military nagkatibulaag na.

Wow ganda po dyan